Thursday, January 25, 2007
Welcome everyone out there in the world of the BLOG!!!. I was sitting around today thinking about how funny it is that everyone is blogging about everything, either for professional recognition or to show that they can create something that turns up all over the internet. I just had to sit back and say how amusing it is that web 2.0 has turned into such a gigantic entity in so little time. Forget AOL and Dial-Up, downloads of shareware Doom (For Windows 95) etc. We have come into a new era, a new generation to be more specific of quick information. We have drive through fast-food, drive-through liquor stores...people are even picking up dry-cleaning "on the go." What has happened to the simple times? I guess I miss the good old days where relaxation didn't mean sitting down with the laptop, PDA, and 3G satellite phone while on vacation. I guess I miss being able to sit under a tree for hours just looking up into the expanse of the sky and realizing that there is much more to life than our wacky electronics and our drive-through lives.
Enough rants for now, maybe more to come!!!